Monday, August 30, 2010

Screenwriting at the University of Washingotn


Finally getting back to the blog. Sorry for the long delay, but among other things, I had eye surgery that got me off course, but now I'm happy to be back and writing (and teaching) like crazy.

Have some exciting news. I'm going to be one of the two individuals teaching the University of Washington certification course on screenwriting.  The first teacher will cover story and help you develop a treatment, and then I teach the 17-week course on screenwriting, where we will cover writing, rewriting and polishing your script.

In the 17 weeks with me you will write a full script (12 pages a day), and that will give us time to do a full rewrite and polish, and also allow some time for developing a marketing plan for after the course is finished.

The first class starts in October. So if you're interested in an intensive 8-month program, sign up now.  Or, if you're just interested in taking my course, you can do that too.

If you have any questions about the class, you can email me at

Have fun writing!!

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