All my great ideas seem to come at inconvenient times . . . or at least times I don't have a pen and paper handy.
I carry a note pad in my purse, but can't remember the last time I had my purse when brilliance struck (or at least walked by).
When there's no paper
What do you do when there isn't paper around? Or pen? I will admit to a few desperate measures.
• While mowing the lawn I wrote notes in the dirt in a flower bed.
• Wrote on my hand in the car.
• Wrote on a side of cereal box in the store.
• Wrote on toilet paper in the bathroom.
• Tried to come up with memorable lymrics while on a walk. (By memorable, I mean horrific. Like . . . roses are red, violets are yellow, Jan's watching a Godzilla movie on her iPhone when she runs into a fellow — a gangster guy named Mike, who's also a scifi geek.)
• Wrote notes on a birthday card intended for someone else (very small print on the back, I doubt they noticed).
• Wrote with mud on a rock while on a walk in the woods, then had to find the rock the next day before it rained.
• Wrote in Play-Doh while babysitting.
• And the list goes on . . .
Tell me I'm not the only one who does this. Please!
But I'm not complaining. You got to snag those ideas when they come along, even if it's while you're using a Play-Doh Fuzzy Pumper.
Happy writing!
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