Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Editing on the Cheap

Professional editing can be expensive. It's worth the investment, but sometimes you just don't have the dough.

When money has been tight, I've used friends and family to help me edit. What am I saying? Money is always tight and I'm always using them to help me edit. They do require direction though, so I give them some easy-to-use editing marks:
! = liked this section
? = don't understand what's going on
:-) = like this character
X = this is where I took a break

I would continue, but I think I may abandon my old list for this one on Bookpublishing.today.com.

I hope my friends and family are somewhat artistic, because they are a little more challenging. But on the bright side, they should have a whole lot more fun.

If you've got some to add, please share!



Di Mettler said...

Nice to meet you as well!

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