It's hard not to get excited when faced with all the possibilities of a new year can bring. I hope that everyone's writing careers blossoms in 2010!
I'm sure you've got parties to go to and festivities to get ready for, so I'll make this entry short. Just want to leave you with a writing tool/exercise you might try in 2010.
Ask the question
I've been troubled with a couple plot problems lately. For example, I have a story where I need something funny and romantic to happen in a large hole in the ground. I hadn't come up with anything in over two weeks, so I decided to try something I'd heard about years ago — ask the muse.
I wrote the question out and pinned it up for the muse to see. "What happens in this hole? Can you please come up with something good?" I also asked him to give it some thought as I went to bed last night.
Thank you
Woke up this morning with answer! The answer isn't fully realized — that's my job — but the foundation is there.
How do you thank my muse? Maybe I'll pin a note on the wall that says just that, "Thank you Muse!!!"
Not sure if this is of any help in you 2010 pursuits, but had to pass it along.
Happy New Year!!!
Asking the muse can be a very effective solution to the problem at times.
The other way(if that fails or I don't have time to wait for the muse to ponder for whatever reason) that I use is to 'talk it out'.
I generally wait until I'm in the car driving somewhere(I try to be alone as talking out loud to yourself sometimes is considered 'odd') and then I start discussing the problem/plot hole/issue/whatever outloud with myself. I run through various solutions/ideas until I find one that I like and will work.
Also- Happy New Year to you!
That's so interesting I'm reading The Constant Art of Bing A Writer by N.M. Kelby, in it she talks about using your muse. It's a great book for writers. Until now I hadn't really thought of muses. I'll have to try it out. Thanks!
I'll have to check that book out. Thanks!
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