My job today was to clean out the garage. I hadn't expected it to be a dangerous assignment.
Cat Litter
First off, I had to deal with at least a dozen half empty cans of paint. You can't take them to the dump unless the paint's dry, which was a problem because tomorrow is dump day. I read on the internet that you can quickly dry paint by adding cat litter. It worked. Only five bags later and two hours of sniffing cat litter dust, the paint is hard as a rock.
Don't Burn Laminate Floors
Next, I learned that although laminate flooring burns, it could be toxic. I apologize for my carbon footprint today. I had no idea how much plastic went into a few planks of that stuff. I tossed them on a bon fire, the wind changed and I sucked up more toxic gas than I would have liked.
Mouse Dust
Last, I moved boxes out of the garage. It turns out our garage is one large mouse colony. Every box I moved sent a plume of dirty mouse dust into the air. The plumes stunk (worse than burning laminate) and I breathed in things I'm sure would keep me up it night if I knew what they were.
I'd like to think this was a productive writing day because I have all these new experiences, but I'm hard pressed at the moment to think of a story where I need a character that through her own stupidity inhales disgusting, possibly toxic, substances all day.
Maybe the next input day will be better . . . and my chemical burns will heal.
Well in that case I had a very long and trying input weekend.
Came home from class on Friday to find that my parents had managed to kill their work computer. I exhausted every tool in my arsenal and was pretty sure it was dead but recommended they take it to a specialist just to be sure. Turns out they fried the motherboard.
Saturday I spent the day searching out a new computer that would do what they need for their business and three hours at two different Office Depots to find the *right* one. I got the basics set up and then we sent it back to the computer place to see if they could salvage the old computer's hard drive.
Today I've learned how to set up a computer network, by McGuyver'ing everything together to make them play nice and talk to each other while attempting to politely answer the question of "how's it going" every five minutes.
So I'm just hoping that at some point I can find an appropriate use for all the experiences I got today.
愛的理由 - Thank you.
MM: Sounds like you've got the makings for a "techno child" character. I love that my folks think I'm a computer genius because I can work from a Mac and PC and can upload photos. :-)
@Di- true, but I have a feeling that a 'true' techno child character wouldn't:
A} Swear at tech support under their breath as much as I did (I really couldn't believe when they asked if I could connect to the internet when I was calling because I had no internet...)
B} Break down into a teary mess ;)
Sounds like it makes you human, as for using it in a character's build up, it's always nice to know they act as stupid as we do sometimes. One of my dumb moments was inhaling helium while pregnant. I almost passed out. Go figure you need all the oxygen you can breath while pregnant.
Di- I had to drop by again because I finally got around to reviewing the class list for the event I'm teaching at next weekend and thought of you. We are apparently having an expert come in and teach a class on growing giant pumpkins :D unfortunately I haven't figured out how to be teaching my class and attending that one at the same time...
I wish I had known you were so toxic before I came over to help on the new house. I'm checking my tougue in the mirror right now for any tell tail signs of anything unusual. Is green an exceptable color for my Uvula?
MM - Got a documentary I did on growing giant pumpkins, if you're curious. Not quite the came as a class, but followed around some champion growers for a year.
Tgscript - Toxicity wore off, thank goodness. I think it's safe to walk around now in public.
Hey Toxic-Girl ....
Home Depot - $139: MSA Full Face Multi Purpose Respirator ... :-)
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