Chris and I have been working on a new website and it's finally up. www.spilledinkmarketing.com
Thought since it just went live, I might selfishly use this blog to promote ourselves.
Spilled Ink Marketing
We LOVE providing creative marketing solutions, and they comes in many forms:
• websites
• branding
• marketing materials
• social media
• education
We've worked with both individuals and companies for over two decades and still get a charge out of helping people get noticed.
We especially enjoy working with the creative community. Besides being fun to work with, we understand it takes a little creativity to help them stand out in a world of WalMarts.
I'm a big believe education. I have started offering online classes to help you promote yourself. Coming up are classes on social media . . . as well as screenwriting.
Both are subjects I'm passionate about am excited about teaching. If anyone has any questions about the classes, please ask. My email is diane@spilledinkstudio.com
Check it Out
Since a picture is worth 1,000 words, I'll stop blithering and just invite you to check out our website instead. And make sure to click on some of the samples under marketing tools. I think they will speak for themselves.
Thank you for letting me go on! Have a wonderful day.
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