I'm probably nuts, but I've started another blog, www.dianemettler.com.
I've always been a multi-tasker, and this new blog about taking our six acres from raw land to landscaped and revenue generating fits the bill.
I plan to blog daily for two years (heck, if I can stair machine daily for 20 years, this should be a piece of cake). It will, hopefully, in the end:
• be a record of our progress
• hone my writing skills
• elicit much-needed gardening advice and
• work as a outline for a book, and
• if popular, work as a platform for the book.
Start to Finish
I enjoy gardening and I enjoy writing, and I've been trying to figure out how to put the two together. It seemed like every garden book I could think of already exists. Or, if I came up with a new one publishers would like me to be an expert in that particular field with a well-developed platform.
Who am I to argue with a publisher? I'm going to become an expert of sorts over the next 2 years — at least at creating a yard from scratch — and develop a platform.
I'm already jazzed about it. Curious to hear what you think.
Oooh I'll definitely have to follow that blog as well.
Have I mentioned that I'm a certified WSU Livestock Advisor? I was certified a few years ago, and so have a unique interest in gardening and animals. (In fact later I'll have to dig out the brochure for our January event, as it has classes that might help you in native plants and such)
Wow, small world. Please feel free to give me all the advise you want on the new yard and/or point me in the right direction.
Yeah, its a pretty neat thing.
Oh a link to this years event (From January 30th 2010): http://skagit.wsu.edu/CountryLivingExpo/index.htm
There is a class brochure available still so you can read about it. If you're interested I can let you know when we have next years available too (November sometime hopefully this year)
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