Bad Water
The biggest event though happened in the bathroom. I finally got a few minutes to run a long-awaited bath. It's where I do all my first drafts and I had some serious writing to catch up on. I put in some bubble bath, started the water, and came back a few minutes later with my pad of paper and pen to get down to business.
When I walked into the bathroom I was assaulted by the smell of rotten eggs and a bathtub full of brown water. We'd smelled the sulphur in the water before, but nothing like this.
I'd like say that I immediately emptied the tub, but I wanted that bath so bad I just threw more bubble bath to cover the brown water and cover some of the stink, and jumped in.
Good Water
The next day I made a call to the water guys, who immediately came out a did a test. They told us what I'd already assumed from my bath — we had EXTREMELY hard water. The levels were off the charts. I was told we could keep the water the way it was, but my hair would eventually turn orange, among other things.
This morning we had a $4,700 filtration system put in. I wonder what the IRS would say if I took it off as a writing expense?
Oh well, the good news, I'm looking forward to my bath tonight and writing without holding my nose.
I second what the person before me said! Actually, I have had those baths before especially when we just moved in and didn't know how to change the filters in our system yet. It will also stain your bathroom porcelain as well as your laundry. Fun times.
I need to take some time and sit down to write, like ASAP.
We've been having one of those weeks as well (Grandmum is in the hospital, scheduled for open heart surgery this afternoon. Whole crazy crazy story there). Plus we're in the middle of crazy family birthday month (From March 1st to April 15th we have 4 birthdays- well *technically* 5 but we don't talk about one).
Man, 惠蘋, I don't know what you said, but it looks like it was good. I've got to find someone who can translate.
Glad to know that I'm not the only one with plumbing issues. Had no idea water could be this gross.
MM - hope you make it through your birthday month. Ours is December. I tend to buy a couple extra bottles of wine that month to help make it through. :-)
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