Wednesday, September 15, 2010

45 Master Characters


I just got turned onto this book, 45 Master Characters, mythic Models for creating Original Characters, by Victoria Lynn Schmidt.

I'm only half way through it, but had to recommend it already.  I've read other books about the different archetypes, but the reason this one stands out is because the author not only describes the traits, but points to the TV shows, movies, books and plays you will find that archetype and the other archetypes that are best paired with them.

For example, take Apollo, "the businessman" and his dark side, "the traitor". On TV you'll better recognize him as Spock or Fraser. In the movies it would be Jerry Maguire or Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. In literature you'd find Mr. Darcy or Sherlock Holmes filling those shoes.

It's a great read and at the very least gets you thinking more deeply about your characters.


Mackenzies Momma said...

I might have to track a copy of this down sounds like a good read. I've been struggling to get my muses to sit and write something (anything) at this point so it might prod them into working... *shrugs*

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