Monday, May 11, 2009

Character Should Go to 11


I've read every book out there on screenwriting (or it feels like that).  It seems like every book emphasizes how important it is that your character MUST need or want something, and your story MUST focus on your character's intense journey to reach his or her goal. 

I'd read the advice so often, I just assumed I understood it. But this year, being in the WGA, I got to read the scripts considered for Oscars. Besides being well written, these scripts all had one thing in common -- characters were almost defined by their need or want, like The Wrester and Slum Dog Millionaire. 

My scripts always had characters that "wanted" something, but looking back, they didn't want it enough. On a scale of 1 to 1o, their "want" fell into the  6 or 7 range, when they should have pegged out at 10. 

I'm shooting for 10 now.  Heck, why stop there. In the words of Nigel from Spinal Tap, they are going to 11. 



tgscript said...

Great way to put it. One of my problems is not stepping up my character's need to get what he are she wants. I'll consider this before I write my next script. Thanks for reminding me.

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