Does all your research take place in a library or in front of a computer? Try spicing things up.
Jump in the Car
If you're writing a scene that needs a little local flavor, check out the local flavor firsthand. Even if you've been to the location before, I guarantee it'll be different visiting it as a researcher.
One I needed to write an action scene that took place at the State's Capital. I used to work there and thought I knew it pretty well. But once I arrived and looked at it through the eyes of my characters, it was a whole new experience. Objects I'd never paid much attention to, like fire extinguishers, ceiling-high banners and stone vases, all became props my characters ended up using in an elaborate chase scene.
Be a Spectator
What if your character is experiencing something you're likely never to experience . . . screwing up a piano recital, painting a mural or arresting a bad guy? It's easier to write something when you've been an eye witness, and you can often use your writer status to get a front row seat.
Personally, I enjoy ride-alongs. I've ridden with a police man, a pizza delivery guy and even a beekeeper taking bees across country. I enjoy it so much, I'll ride along with someone just IN CASE I need it for future research.
Talk to a Live Person
To heck with chat rooms! If your dairy farm scene feels a little flat, go talk to a farmer. You'll now only find out about milking cows and row crops, you'll learn the latest dairy jargon and what makes a diary man tick.
Research can be a blast! And adding life to your research can only add life to your writing.
Have fun!!
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