Last night at my writer's group, we were grappling over one writer's log line. One thing was obvious, I'm going to have to get someone to write my log lines for me. I'm too close to my story. It takes real objectivity to write a log line.
Good log line
A good log line looks like this. For the movie Pretty Woman, the log line was something like, "A businessman falls in love with a hooker he hires to be his date for the the weekend."
Bad log line
The bad, writerly version for Pretty Woman would have looked something like this: "A wealthy businessman picks up a hooker, who has aspirations of bigger things, and asks her to be his girlfriend for a few days days. During those few days she starts finding out that there's more to him than a cut throat tycoon. He discover the "pretty woman" side of her too. But the businessman's creepy friend nearly blows this perfect relationship out of the water before it starts. Laughs ensue in this tale of self discovery as businessman and hooker fall in love in true Cinderella style."
Hire a Professional
I'm considering hiring a professional — I'm only halfway joking here. Wouldn't it be great to hire someone from an ad agency, someone who's great with short copy? Preferably the guy from Nike who came up with Just Do It!
Have a great weekend everyone!
I'll do your loglines. Not good at my own but I better with other people's.
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