Not sure who all is within driving distance to Seattle this Friday, but the NWSG (Northwest Screenwriters Guilds) is hosting agents Rebecca Ewing (UTA) and David Boxerbaum (APA).
These two agents have amazing resumes. They've worked for companies like the William Morris Agency and Jerry Bruckheimer Films and today work with and represent some of the top talent in the industry.
It Gets Better
Ewing and Boxerbaum will not only be speaking about the experiences, but will be taking questions from the floor for an hour.
The event is free to NWSG members and only $15.00 for non members. It will be held at the Clear Channel building, at 351 Elliot Ave. West, Seattle, WA 98119.
Even Better . . . Pitching
If you're part of the NWSG, members will get a change to sign up to pitch to these two agents on Saturday. If you're not in L.A., it's hard to find opportunities to pitch to agents like these. So, if you have a script to pitch, this would be the time to join the NWSG.
I apologize for the shameless plug for NWSG, but having tried to get scripts in front of agents for over 20 years, I know how valuable an event like this is.
Have a great week. Write hard!
Oh man,if only I didn't have an already insane schedule this week with my event being held on Saturday I'd love to come.
There's always next time. :-)
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