The Dreaded SWS
I dread the Savant Writing Student (SWS). They are usually very nice, but overly optimistic and believe the first thing they write will be picked up by a publisher or producer and consequently make them millions. For the SWS, it's just a matter of getting their manuscript into the right hands.
I know the SWS well — I used to be one. It took me three or four scripts, and piles of rejections, before I realized how little I knew about my craft and that I would spend years (actually a lifetime) developing as a writer.
On the bright side, after three or four scripts, I had inadvertently learned a bit about writing and was several steps closer to being produced.
It Takes Time
I'm not saying you shouldn't try to sell your early manuscripts, but be prepared that learning how to write is like learning anything else. And it takes time and dedication.
In short, just because a person can put a sentence together doesn't make them a "writer". It just makes them a "sentence maker".
I think Turgenev put it best:
"It is a strange thing. A composer studies harmony and theory of musical forms; a painter doesn't paint a picture without knowing something about colors and design; architecture requires basic schooling. Only when somebody makes a decision to start writing, he believes that he doesn't need to learn anything and that anybody who has learned to put words on paper can be a writer."
Learn, learn, learn
If you've just started your journey as a writer, don't beat yourself up because that first story didn't sell . . . or the second, or the third.
Chances are you're not a savant — just like the rest of us. You're in the process of developing your skills like every other professional, from pianist to doctor.
And as a reformed SWS, I'd much rather be putting my hours in writing stories than going to med school.
What? Are saying my writing may not win the Nobel Prize in literature?
Maybe not the first draft. :-)
You make me laugh! Thanks.
By the way your script class was great and really informative. You have an act for teaching. You go above and beyond what is expected from a teacher and that makes you incredible.I look forward to your scriptwriting 2 class.
Thanks. You just made my day!!! :-) Looking forward to Scriptwriting 2. We can get really start writing some movies!! Please keep me posted on your progress in the meantime. Spring quarter seems like a long ways out.
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