Rambling of a Muse
For example, I'm on the last pages of script I really like. This means soon I'll get to face producers, agents and studio folks who are going to trash my story as it's currently written and tell me to rewrite to fit their vision, and if they don't like what I write they'll give it to someone else to rewrite — and that's if I'm lucky and they like my script.
So about now I get scared and my muse coming up with other cool projects besides marketing my script (or evening finishing the script at all), like launching a new web-based magazine with my husband and friends.
Muse is painting some pretty sweet pictures to steer us away from being potentially beat up by Hollywood.
"What's the worst that can happen?" she asks. "We can fail and lose some money? That's better than having our story rewritten and our ego smashed in the process."
Pep Talk
It'll be an ongoing battle from here on out, but I make the good argument.
"All this writing was done for a reason. It would be easier to submit a script that we didn't care about. But who wants to see that movie? We gotta get in there and not crap out." I'm on a roll.
"They may like it. They may hate it. We have no control over their responses. We just have make sure we're proud of it. Gees . . Man up!"
I think my Muse is handing me a taser.
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