I’ve talked about screenwriting in my blog, but I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that I’ve been teaching since 1997.
This quarter I thought I’d try teaching Breaking Into Screenwriting online. The first eight-week class will begin February 15.
What you’ll Get
This will be a hands-on course where writers will learn to weave a visual story and create tight plots and dynamic characters. You will learn not only the tools and skills necessary to write a script, but to market it as well.
Because there is no way to finish and rewrite a full-length script in 8 weeks, I have each student write a short script (15 to 30 pages) from concept through rewrite.
Online Structure
Here's a rough overview of how the class will be structured:
1. The course will be set up as a Yahoo Group, so students will have the benefit of reading other students questions and responses.
2. You will be given information on a topic each week (the virtual equivalent of a short lecture).
3. There will be weekly assignments: reading, watching movies and written tasks.
4. Students will be able to email me throughout the week, and I’ll be available to answer any questions and give feedback.
5. Each student will have a half hour telephone call each week (if they want to talk to me) about their progress.
Since this is first time I’ve taught this class on the web (and anticipating there may be a few bugs), the cost will be a VERY reasonable $75.
If you’re wondering about my credentials, in addition to teaching for over 10 years, I’m a member of the Screenwriter's Guild (WGA), with a movie in post-production with Hallmark (due to air this fall) and have won or placed in numerous regional and national screenwriting contests.
If you're interested in taking the class, or have any questions about the class you can contact me directly at diane@spilledinkstudio.com.
Hope to hear from you!
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