Or if you've always wanted to produce your movie, but wondering how you go about finding the dollars, you'll also want to hear Tom speak.
The NWSG is hosting Mr. Malloy this Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Clear Channel Building in Seattle. Doors open at 6:45.
Tom recently published a book entitled Bankroll: A New Approach to Financing Feature Films. He's raised over $15 million in four years to finance his films and his book covers how he did it — and how you can too. So you can expect he'll be talking about that on Friday.
Personally, I'm headed to hear him talk because if he has insight into any new avenue for getting your script produced, I'd love to hear it. It only takes one person to say "yes"!
Also, there's going to be some Q&A time with Tom and I'm putting together my list of questions. If you have some you want to ask while I'm there, just let me know.
Back to the keyboard
OK, it's back to the keyboard. I'm in the middle of a rewrite and found out I need to know a lot more about the prohibition era. THANK GOD for the internet. Or maybe not. I just typed "Prohibition" into Google and it came back with 22 million pages.
Have a GREAT day!
I'd be curious to hear him speak (I've always been intrigued by those who can do things like that) but I have to attend my college's play *sighs*.
Good luck with the re-write. Have you tried the encyclopedia? I know mine (circa 1984) has a really good article on Prohibition in it.
Oh! I was curious- its been a while since your last update about your movie. Heard anything about how post production is going? Are they going to have a screening at some point? (Did I ever mention my great Aunt used to be an EP in Hollywood so I come by my knowledge thanks to her I think)
Haven't heard anything on my movie except that I just got my bill from the WGA for their cut and it will probably air in the Fall. When I heard more, I'll definitely post it.
By the way, what's an EP?
Ah well I will be curious to see if/when you hear anything on it. Must be somewhat excited to see your characters 'come to life' ;)
EP- Executive Producer or as her IMDb page called it "Associate Producer" (I forget it was the late '80s early '90s and they had different titles).
She worked on "Married with Children" for a long while.
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