I do most of my creative writing (well, the first draft) in the bathtub. For three weeks I've been walking past the beautiful bathtub, still wrapped in plastic, cursing the plumbers — who by the way are now missing in action.
Hijacking a Bathtub
Without access to my tub and Mr. Bubble, I'm going through a type of withdrawal. Last week I put together an emergency writing bag — towel, soap, bubble bath, pen and paper — and headed off to my mom and dad's. As soon as I hit the soapy water, I was writing like crazy, trying to catch up.
I'm sure our plumbers have no idea they are standing in the way of some great fiction. Maybe if I called and said, "Get over here! It's bad enough our washer machine and sinks aren't installed yet, but the bathtub is high priority. I've got script I want to get a producer."
At the very least, I might get their attention.
Man I remember the joys of that kind of thing. Except in our case it was the electrician that went missing. The guy who built (and wired) the house originally was rather *special* (untalented). We were adding onto one of the upstairs closets by joining it into the closet next to it and the electrician went to cut the line and ended up zapping himself not once but three times. We didn't see him for about a week after that (it was low voltage line so he wasn't actually hurt just shocked a little).
Good luck getting the bathtub in so you can get back to writing.
Does that mean though that you write your initial drafts by hand? (I'm curious because when I'm writing I write everything out by hand then transfer it and it makes me feel kind of stone age :S )
I guess we should feel pretty lucky we aren't having anything hurt or frying themselves in the house. :-)
Yeah, I write my first drafts by hand. They're not perfect -- a lot of short hand and and notes, but it's part of the creative process. The editing process is on the computer. Definitely old school.
Yeah, well it wasn't his fault (and it wasn't ours- how could we know that it was a three way switch?)
I am so glad I'm not the only one who writes things out by hand. I write my first drafts out long hand and while they end up being very similar to my next draft(on the computer) they usually are far different than the final draft.
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