She also said that it's hard for those of us who look at computer screens to transition to fossil finding. In fact, it takes quite a while to learn how to look for little things in the dirt.
We used to have the skills when we were small. Little kids are fascinated with things in the dirt — partly because they are close to the ground and it's all right there. But we lose the fascination and the skills as we get older, taller, and purchase computers.
Don't miss the cool stuff
This got me to thinking. How many cool things am I missing as I walk past them? Probably quite a few. So, this February I'm going to try to get my "dirt looking" skills back. I'm going to notice things that are at my feet — kneeling down and checking the dirt out when I think of it and putting the iPhone away when I don't really need it.
Why? Because it's small details that make up great stories and there is a lot going on at foot level — flaking paint on a porch step, the crunch of the crushed rock under your feet, leaves decaying on a sidewalk and leaving a perfect imprint, or the rocks that work their way up to the surface on muddy days.
But besides adding more texture and color to my stories, I think noticing them will add more texture and color to my life.
Thank you Louise Leakey!
Its amazing how little things can add such a vibrancy to a story (or even a day). I had that lesson retaught to me today.
I was walking back to my car after class this morning and walking down a flight of concrete stairs. My heel caught on a step and I pitched forward and had that moment where I was hanging by a thread of whatever onto my balance before righting myself. But in that instant that the ground pitched toward me I was reminded of the little things (like gravity and high heels) that you don't think of on a daily basis(I walk the same stairs 2x's a day Monday through Friday have NEVER fallen before on them).
You went to class after having wisdom teeth out? You're amazing.
No, no I get them out NEXT Thursday (you know the Thursday right before the most unfortunate holiday on the planet? Valentines day. Score one for my awesome holiday track record ;))
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